Tuesday, May 24, 2011


lets see..been here(coolest crib so far) about 4 days,and 'le routine' just about to get pump up!its been two freakin days(in a row,pretty much cant believe that) where i got my butt on the bicycle,instead of the comfy couch instead,haha.then i go jumpy2 with th skipping rope,yeah on th first day i managed only 20 rep!pastu letih semacam.sshit.thats a bad sign which read 'GIRL,YOU GOT LOONG WAY TO GO'.yup.so,however,on the 2nd day,the countings just raised to 50 rep of skipping!yyay..there at least should be a pile of sweat collected since the workout.ok,easy on th hyperbola.gahh.

xpe!im doin this for whats comin into the closet.oh please,please,please........

p/s:have you heard/seen of real life series of 'I USED TO BE FAT' on mtv??thats the current motivation :)
      hope i can be just like one of them too,someday.

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