Tuesday, May 24, 2011


lets see..been here(coolest crib so far) about 4 days,and 'le routine' just about to get pump up!its been two freakin days(in a row,pretty much cant believe that) where i got my butt on the bicycle,instead of the comfy couch instead,haha.then i go jumpy2 with th skipping rope,yeah on th first day i managed only 20 rep!pastu letih semacam.sshit.thats a bad sign which read 'GIRL,YOU GOT LOONG WAY TO GO'.yup.so,however,on the 2nd day,the countings just raised to 50 rep of skipping!yyay..there at least should be a pile of sweat collected since the workout.ok,easy on th hyperbola.gahh.

xpe!im doin this for whats comin into the closet.oh please,please,please........

p/s:have you heard/seen of real life series of 'I USED TO BE FAT' on mtv??thats the current motivation :)
      hope i can be just like one of them too,someday.
if you ever had anything perishable,get rid of it.Quickly.

Monday, May 23, 2011

on some late thoughts.

on 1st thought.u know,it's not good what u did/do to people.crushing them down and act like u know nothing and thats just a piece of shit u know.u might have the insanely innocent face/smile /whatsoever tat makes u look like the one with halo but hey,i believe that was superficial.none of them was real and trust me,u wont stay for long.grow up and try to be nice dear.

on 2nd thought.back there,i was this decent believer of a fairy tale love life.now only that im having my foot on the real world brings me to the perfect sense,which makes me believe family,good friends and money,they come first.then only the L word with the four letters will appear for the real someone,hee..*yikes,ok easy on the cheesy part,zet.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


know what,i try to make it sounds less suicidal,but having 2 Livitas in less than 24 hours is enough to make your brain explodesssss like dezszszsssssss hah.mcm tu la agak2.skrang pun agak dizzy.

p/:showever y'all,:toast to the first half of our emancipation :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

now, the real battle just begins.

deal with what matters most,babe.
DESIGN.6 credit hours.
one last chance.

no more life spare for you ,zet.

do or die.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

For what i shall conceal,from the eyes of the audience,gets me wonder sometimes.to whom,where or where i shall render these uninvited feelings. im not welcoming  em' to inhabit inside nor letting them overpowering my conscience.NO,i wont.yet ,finding strength to prevail against them is hard, though.But. they'd once said,let bygones be bygones.then only you can continue surviving,in the upcoming battles.Retrieving victories.just like the one you'd possessed before.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dear Pn Khairi,

well i know,at this time im writing these* purposedly bursting my sincerest thoughts on you*,you already  sleeping safe & sound.out of the chaos from the reality mess, in the perfect slumberland.the rightest place,in the finest atmosphere i always wanted u to be in,mom.
This would be more of aSorry note rather than Thanks note on being the best mom & bla3.*since when you have not been so,kan?

I wrote this just to reminisce the old days when i was growing up as a stupid,hard headed teen before*mcm sekarang tak je kan mak ;)?

to those rebellious-me days against everything you taught me.again,Sorry for decades of those suffering*starting the day i kicked in your womb,which was surely ouch*i didnt make it sound so bad,did i?*pfft me.

but,d ya remember,those little notes i gave/slowly kept on your bag everytime i felt angry on you?they remind me of how damn patient of you momma for receiving each notes  from this unsatisfied daughter complaining every single prematured thoughts of her, membebel macam2.n still,you always the one who console,n comforts me everytime i felt like a tootal shit,for like,most of the time & for this,God bless you always tau..hee

regardless of those immature,selfish,stupid,silly,badigol deeds that i'd ever done to you,i still want to be the best daughter to you mom.the one who will secure you,the one who spares more of her time laughing with you kat dapur,and the one sharing whats she's believe in,and for this,I always crave to be "that one" for you =)

& for that,i dont want you to miss every single thing happens on me,EVER,insyaallah,coz you are the reason for me to see pretty things happening around me,us.
much love from anakmu,kak ngah =)

p/s:i'll be the best 2nd child everr!duhh mcm ade 2nd yg lain je kann,ntah2 kalau ade mak da tuka dah ={ tak kott =='
here you go!i'm at this is one moment*suprisingly not the awkward one* when i'm least expecting for the details of knowing something tremendously bad is gonna happen.atleast without looking back,i ll shut my eyes & covers those ears from the harsh truth-revealing(sooner) *will help me get through this*.gahh this is time when truth seems absurd,babe.

DearGod,please finish me.*with a happy ending,perhaps?*

p/s:beat me on something you hardly complaint about.then you win.

Friday, May 6, 2011

dan pabila emak bersuara

'kak ngah,balik cuti ni emak nak hantar pergi belajar driving' and i went like 'emak,saye xde perasaan lagi lah nak bawak kereta'.
,weh!i cant really imagine im holding those steering konon bajet nak bawak mcm van diesel dlm fast & furious tuh.pergh.AKAN TETAPI,ye,kalau tgh jalan mggunekan kaki ni pun mcm x ambik kisah kete lalu lalang (main cross je)dont remind  me of countless time drama nak melintas jalan bersama rakan2.bila nak melintas dgn zet je msti smue org takut nyawa melayang sbb dia suka main melintas sesuka hati je = ='(hey,nak save time,okay!)
DAN INIKAN PULAK nak drive those mobile thingy that got that 4 wheels underneath??huish.mg kete tu x tahan sehari la da kemek remuk langgar sanasini.see mom!i'll be a reckless driver & you get to pay surat saman tu every month kot nanti!hahah.lagipun,what choice pun do i have even IF i got the license,coz it's either dad's old car yg stereng berat gila(ready-to-be-junk)*sorry dad! & that silver car yg mom will never ever compromise even for single,tiny lil scratch(x boleh okay!) so mmg mcm takkkan terbawak mane2 pun.heh.nampaknye tiap2 hari kene sewa kereta kancil kalau nak bersiar-siar di kota raya!LOL!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


when all this while i thought drinking the 1.5 litre spritzer per day  is a safe way to lose weight*& bulih kasi sihat,then here comes

.."But as with everything, be careful and don't overdo it. Drinking too much water can be toxic, so exercise moderation. Water is not a substitute for food, and you can indeed cause severe health issues if you drink too much water daily, including severe heart and endocrine system problems."

jap.this get me questioned.does 1.5 litre amount count as dangerous attempt to screw my lovely kidney?
:(sshit. gotta google more on 'tips on how u should drink the watahh'

p/s need to have that perseverance, u know to start the so called  diet regime.can it really be done?bole ke zet bole ke zet bole ke zet lalala

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

so,here goes one lesson,stop being judgemental.it gets u nowhere but only to point at u back,get it?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Today,i cant really understand why some people could not end their sentences with a 'Thank You' or 'Sorry'.it wouldnt also be less appreciated if you give me a worthy smile replacing that two words.hard enough,heh?

"people with no manners are barbarians".*feels like writing in on Post-it & shove it onto your face. you stinky ass.
= =' ye,geram sangat.

on her wishful thinking


the procrastinator and the resultant effect.

see,thats what you got when you are not gifted with IQ of 122,& spent 2.9/3 of your day wandering,dreaming as if  u are the next heir of British throne,and yeah,this sluggish sloth is about to face the consequences.shall we wait & see,Zet?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

yikess!haaha bila bace balik my previous post,i couldnt deny how juliet of those words,  ayat bunga-bungi camni!LOL!sesunnguhnye it's just something crossed in ma mind & happened to be written here =) now that's what we call as, the reality ride!

p/s:things doesn't always change the way we want em' to.hence, over rule.& a little bravery.
and after the exclusion of  the other thoughts,its your presence which stays linger in the realm of my deepest thoughts.
*and tetibe mak call suruh turun bawah sekarang!*haha to be continued..