Saturday, April 30, 2011

all of sudden all i need is what's in past.


ok,what a day today,spent with my good buddies,huda &am.

secondly is,what a great day today to see those tempting figures like i told before,those 50%,70% which gets every girl/lady/woman/mommas goes CRAZAYYYY!*thank god i was not that crazy enough.blame on scarcity of $ in the pocket.sheesh.

thirdly is,what a veryy fabulous day,the day that menaikkan semangat untuk slim downn sehhh!kenape??thanks to those rompers,dresses n cool blouses I met today!yaww,now that i'd quite aiming for them,so,yeah!the need of peeling those fats are probably the first thing on top of my TO DOs list!*hey,it always has been ok,just selame ni x gerak je,haha!

p/s:get ready to get into my closet,soon!pls,pls,pls =)) n heh kau.hutang da langsai okay,haha.
2nd p/s:now i need to get ready on drafting the holiday schedule,*yayy*

Thursday, April 28, 2011

tumbang,tumbang &tumbang lagi.

tumbang lagi sekali buat pertarungan kali kedua.gergasi itu rupanya lagi kuat!shit!ingat dah boleh menang kali ni.rupanya tidak :( harap2 xjumpe balik ketua villain yg hantar gergasi tu tu semester depan.heh.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

to start something new,is the endeavour to leave the old things behind you & how strong of you ,to hardly not turning against my will.why should i?at least not for still the one who accept the norms of life,in place where she thinks these are way much safer than professing her new thoughts,deviating from the usual scenes of regularity,typicality.
this is different.a sequence to different dimension of not prepared for the undertakings.the agreements,,the commitment.
I doubt her.The one that trapped inside.

sheeshh scribbling words after midnight studies.none of todays accomplishment,zet!


let's turn back time.those days in the highschools.where we seriously learnt the exact meaning of real,true bond of least there is where i learnt that my precious sistas were always there for me,be it when we were caught up in dorms for not goin/late to surau or even when the whole troops stuffed into a room*durrah's or baby's*bergossip sakan,makan pizza same2,see,buat baik or jahat smue same2 =) and God,thank you coz bringing them into my life,I still  dont get how they can treat me so nicely despite the reason that i was a hardcore sensitive person  and unbelievably ego ya amat!and babes,u guys did understand me,jage perasaan gua and still,treated me like a child.*dude,i felt pampered kot dulu!ngade2!
hey,just to let korang tau,i'd evolve to a better person nowdays,trust me =]
no matter countless number of people or even here my dearest close friends buat zet terase ke,they seldom,i know,tapi mcmanepun i rarely mengamuk konon tunjuk protes gila2 or merajuk cam ape mcm dulu2  ke kan haha & instead, i  keep it to myself.tetibe rase bangga of how i let loose of chill of me,when it comes to 'friending bond' at this point  of early twenties time*LIKE SERIOUSLY?.haha
TRUTH IS,i was no longer zet yg ngade2 mcm dulu tu,cehh!tolong bangga ye korang.
yelahh dah tua2 ni malas nak cari gaduh kan,drama sanasini mcm mase kite kecik2 dulu..i am so much ermm..more reserved kot skrang?probably,perhaps,maybe?hihi.

p/s:you are really,someone.alahai..but for sake of the other one i guess! =]

Sunday, April 24, 2011

 i rather 'play happy' than shows the true off-set sadness,dear.
u should now learn it's a bittersweet world out there & colours everything in between and, as ruthless as the world could be,we always have them around.Dear God,thanks much.. =) bcause what you'd given is more than enough.

p/s: the feelings afterwards?who cares.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

"And I hate the feeling that comes afterwards." =[

GOOD BARGAIN *yeay me..*

ok,cue to happy dance now!!!kenape ya?lets see,50%,60%,70% perhaps these are the most beautiful math figures to most women out there,&hell yeah to me n my sis,Kak Toy sebab we guys dapatla tawar menawar dengan kakak kedai tu for a very delicate peach coloured lace jacket at a very reasonable price!yauuu!and that vintage loking jacket was incredibly satu2 nya tinggal and fuh,nasib baik still mampu fit body yg gempal ni.hahah
n kakak cakap being persuasive is a must in buying things yg kita nak sangatttttt at a very 'good price'.

p/s:can we really persuade anyone to peek inside our mind just to see the wishful thinking treasured       inside??pfft.a wishful thinking before beranjak from teen to ty,maybe? ;)

Thursday, April 21, 2011


see,the unevitably feeling comes again.urgh i hate u for bringing me back from what i left since the past few weeks haritu!you are not that addictive rasanya,but hey, huh u messing up my purrr-fect life tales which i'd excluded u.tapi kan,
         "i would've lie if i say that i don't even have  the littlest,slightest crush on you,cause man, I do."
 highlights on the bolds.sikit saja,okay.
 P/S:being surrounded by people you love n loving you back will always comforts you,and yeah,its perfect :)
welcome home,me & to mommah,ayah,kak toy,aca n kak yang LOVE UGUYS TRUCKLOADS!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

sneak in,sshhhh!

hey.i shouldnt be here right now.tons & tons & countless works waitin right in front my face!sheesh!
 im in the abyss of somewhere,in typical confusion and..oh,in this icy cold studio,where its raining outside,damn,its pretty goood reason why i should shut the eyeballs.ugh.boleh la plak kann!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

on FIGURING OUT this coming Monday.

'That’s luxury, too, when it’s accepted without any complexes.'  and as i say so. pfffttt

on being judgemental.

see,if i could stop and stare just for one second on anything then i can say more than everything to that anything of something.shit im blabbering,again.well,the focus point is,im a judgemental typo.i did,i do judge everything happens around me.i curse,i praise,i love,i hate,this kind of tiring when too much of judgement sends you to the state of complicated thinking,where u couldnt decide,u couldnt help resolving reasons of life and whats goin to happen someday,DAMN it.

 next post shall be on temperamental behaviour,maybe?.sheessh.speaking of the pessimistic me.