Wednesday, November 17, 2010


yes.i should say been there,done that.done doing 03's designs stuff.I should say it dgn pnuh perfectly satisfied.yet,i feel lost,kosong,kecewa.
yup.aku da trying hard to get the best i deserved.maybe,just maybe it's not the hardest attempt.
to ayah,im so sorry.maybe tis sem is just not my luck.
this sem,mmg la berbucket-buket of tears yg aku da produced.but then still.ntah kenape tah ngan aku n design this sem.idea slalu kuar last-last minute.i mean it.sgt last-last minute idea datang.n people always said idea ko datang last-last minute pon still gempak.I HATE IT.taw x betape tension nye dengar org ckp camtuh.sbb in my reality design's intrepretation ,last-last minute punye keje mmg lahh x bergune lgsung.
but then,bende ni jatuh kat aku does it feel bile idea dtg sehari before FINAL presentation???when all this while ur brain couldnt make any effort to give urself a piece of brilliant idea?mmg la aku gila meroyan weh x dpt idea wktu tuh.thanks to huda n aimi for comforting me tat time.
n NOW.dgn penuh ketidakpuashatian,aku  menunggu result this SEM.
crossing my fingers for the best.though maybe its not what im hoping for.fine guys,its a pleasure to see me goin down.
well,the metamorphosis of life always have its up n down.
i need to revive.
i need to chill.
i need to survive.
im revamping myself.
lets hibernate..

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


a GIRL could make something that she first thought it was impossible.Making deal with technology.