Tuesday, May 21, 2013

ignorance ISNT always bliss.

i always wonder why they said it's sunat to read Al-Kahfi on your Jumaat basis.this surah is actually consist of pages long enough that i always stop reading half than the halfway.teruk ni.and on top of all,i didnt even do it on my weekly basis.
however,it is a relief to found this (after some time).
Rasulullah saw bersabda:“Barangsiapa yang membaca sepuluh ayat dari surat Al-Kahfi, ia tidak akan terkena bahaya fitnah Dajjal, barangsiapa yang membaca seluruh ayatnya ia akan masuk surga.” Hadis ini bersumber dari Sammarah bin Jundab dari Nabi saw. (Tafsir Nur Ats-Tsaqalayn 3: 242)

and being the worst human,i always took things lightly back in asrama when they say 'let's practice Al-Mulk every night before we go to bed.'no.i never did.not till now that i discover the virtues of the Surah itself.
  • Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam bersabda: “Sebahagian surah-surah yang terdapat di dalam Al-Quran ada satu surah yang mengandungi 30 ayat. Surah itu surah Al Mulk. Ia memberi syafaat kepada orang yang membacanya dengan mengeluarkannya dari Neraka dan memasukkannya ke dalamSyurga.” 
  • Ulama berkata: ”Sesungguhnya surah Al Mulk itu melepaskan pengamal-pengamalnya dari kena azab. Ia akan bersoal jawab pada hari kiamat di hadapan Tuhan kerana menuntut kelepasan mereka yang mengamalkannya dari azab api Neraka

haih.we often want to prove ourselves the best with people around us.but what happen to our relationship with our Maker?I often fail to show Him that i love Him,proving i'm one right creation to Him.that i know He's always be the One that i turn to when im in downside of life.that the reason of my living breath is nothing but only,for Him.

How can He constantly pour the love to His slaves,while people like me often live in ignorance without doing deeds,purely in the name of Allah.'I study architecture in the name of Allah','i eat in the name of Allah','i sleep in the name of Allah'.I'm awake & alive because of Allah.

I often being forgetful.Shame on it.but that's us,human.Our faith always been tested without us realising it.
we forget that Apart from disaster and disease,happiness & prosperity also reckon as test in this life.

Being a better muslim is everyone's hope.but,to practice what you preach is another different story.
Might be among the toughest  challenge to be a better person.

Though im among those people who still climbing up/crawling in doing things in life that please God,i wish He could smile on me.What a feel!amin ya rabbal alamin.insyaallah.

My heart is beyond gratitude to God for surround & blessing me with my loving family and friends.I wanted them to know how much i appreciate their presence in my everyday life despite my wrongdoings(pranking,bullying,temperamental being on top of the list)  thoroughout my life and that i pray for each one of them success in life & hereafter.

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