Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

the petite doll

i've been telling people especially my housemates about this little creature named Ayyun.yeah weird name,btw,im too lucky to have her in this impromtu photoshoots.these are some intimate moments with her that has been beautifully captured just now.masyaallah,what an innocent child she is.

she 'peek-a-boo'ed at me!

i slowly followed her from her back and look how sporting she was,all smiling and posing for me,somehow she knew i was taking her pics.sooo perasan!

I followed them.
Temptation over rationality.Working people expected to influence you more.They got moolah.
You can 'pau' your related working people,in this case,targeted human such as cousins or sisters.*even they contribute only half of the value of demand.still,profits on you.

the aftermath
 i lied everytime i promise myself not to get anything.nuff said.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

I hope God will help me decide what's best on my current dillematic issue.
 yes, iMac or no! iMac.
chances dont come easily on me,you see,out of nowhere,my dad suddenly jump into the topic and said 'you should get yourself an fuss and these and these parts you gotta carry along.bawak imac boleh carry satu pergi merata-rata alam',he said.God knows i can make a garden with happy roses grew in my stomach after hearing this.
But again,(somebody better put halo on me).why?because,being the wise daughter i said its okay i rather use a normal desktop,easy to operate the windows system,they're cheaper yada yada blah blah
But's stl as dillematic as it ever be.Who can resist such offer?dont ya want that white steel thingy on your tabletop?dont ya?dont ya?
Wise brain pls be wise..

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Architecture & Fashion.Born from the same womb.

clock pointed at 5.

 thinking of making 'mystylejournel'.lol.yeah,sounds ridiculous even me myself wanna puke.bahaha.
lately,i realised something had just dragged me into my fashionconscious file again.even these pieces in  the closet dont really tell im that seriously conscious,but wtvs.haha
Sebaik-baik do’a adalah do’a hari Arafah (9 Dzulhijjah=25 oktober,khamis)

Dari ‘Amr bin Syu’aib dari ayahnya dari datuknya, Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
“Sebaik-baik do’a adalah do’a pada hari Arafah.” (HR. Tirmidzi)

Monday, October 22, 2012

'All buildings are predictions.All predictions are wrong'.Stewart Brand,cynically,in How Buildings Learn:What Happens After They're Built(Penguin,1995)

A building's design is usually built upon what architects call a 'program' or an inventory of spaces.Program are built upon assumptions about populations and activities.Yet you cant predict church attendance or exactly what you'll be doing to reach them in a decade,anymore than you can know their ages,marital status or the ages of their children ahead of time.So,how many loaves  and fishes will we need for,say,500 people?-ar


Friday, October 19, 2012

an obvious blurry image of a thing i shouldnt be fascinated about.


on second thought.


basi tapi segar!


 ini malam PaduJiwa



really,really amazing page.who knows you can read Quran on your screen!babe,its just a click away!
it has juz chapter with those consecutive surahs inside,mann this is a very good substitute to actual Quran whenever you're lil far from home and need to find your lost soul in the middle night or gettin out of misery while working out on workloads of course :)
Optional page resolution yall

Different type of reading preferences

And here,your customized page background.hah pilih2.

nothing's cooler than this newfound apps.

Monday, October 15, 2012

i daydreamed in the comfort zone.
now im facing the heavy consequences.
i have the worst premonition playing in my brain.
in any of my usual life events.things scatter always.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

where the hell on earth these black ants come from?

Friday, October 12, 2012

yeah and so i cheated.two were down tonight.

i've been busy keepin up a good and tidy working space,thus,since the last  few days i'd gradually transform the dim and boo-ring partition  into some kind of eclectic atmosphere space(or so i felt like it wtvs) where my living starts to fill in.//talking about future sleepless night.pfft

p/s//the lightbox that we DIY-ed is damn cool you know.feels like heaven esp when you're working underneath the light.whouaa