Thursday, September 27, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

So we had  a small,short conversation on people accents.
People were naturally born with their accents of their mother languages.And what came to my small regret is these group of people were trying hard to imitate other foreign accents which don't belongs to their tongue and make words they uttered even more ridiculous.
It is never too bad to speak in other languange in your own natural's beautiful,just the way it is.
and again,trying too hard makes you one little piece of indigestable meat.
We cant deny some people they speaks really good(which i'm totally fond of)but again,these people granted with au naturel language skills that comes (really,really) naturally.
by saying other people close minded on criticizing yourself,that's something we can laugh on. :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

these lecturers who have respect on students' attendance liberation should've been rewarded. :')
numerous cells have started working!
a penchant for speed.An accelarating process.(may God bless me)
no resting chairs shall be provided this time around.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

You never realise the clock's ticking so fast it leaves you behind nonchanlantly.
And there you are,solidify by the rigid mind.Moron muscle now affixed to hefty skeletons.Insist to move even a bit.
Sluggish.ugh.I hate this state where it'll driven me to nowhere.a non-productivity area.
prohibited area to those hardworking smarty asses.

Cepatlah bergerak wahai jasad dan akal!
oh.and i miss having long chat with you dad.